Moving Back To India?
Are you confused about whether to move back to India? Have you already decided to return to India? No matter where you are in your decision-making journey, find unbiased and fact-based answers to your questions – from deciding to move to planning your finances and life in India after the move.
I’m Avan Vora, my wife Gargi and I returned to India from USA after spending close to a decade there. Our goal is to share our experience and help you with the information you need to make the right decision.
What To Do With Investments In USA After Moving Back To India?

Should you liquidate all your investments when moving back to India? Should you keep the money in the USA? If […]
Checklist: Things To Do After Moving Back To India

This is a list of things to do after moving back to India. For a list of things to take […]
Checklist: Things To Do Before Returning To India

There are a few things you should take care of before moving back to India. This checklist mostly applies to […]
Social Life: Experience After Returning To India From USA

It has been three years since we moved back to India from USA and I wanted to pen down our […]
How To Keep Accounts In USA After Returning To India?

Let’s say you have decided to move back to India but want to keep your money in the US even […]
A Guide to Managing 401K When Moving Back To India

One of the most common questions I get asked is what to do with our 401K or retirement accounts after […]
How Much Money Do You Need to Move Back To India?

Let’s face it. The biggest reason we all went to the US is for the $$$. That is what kept […]
How To Find A Job In India When Returning to India?

Let’s say you have decided to move back to India and you plan to take up a job after your […]
When Should You Move Back To India From USA?

When is the right time to return to India? Is there any particular age by which you should move back […]